Stoneflower, also known as Pathar ke Phool or Dagad Phool, is a unique spice that is commonly used in Indian cuisine, particularly in the preparation of rich meat dishes like biryanis, curries, and stews. This 50g pack of Stoneflower contains the dried and roasted petals of the plant Parmotrema perlatum, which is found in the Himalayan region of India.
Stoneflower has a distinctive aroma and flavor that adds depth and complexity to a wide range of dishes. It is often used in combination with other spices like cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom to create a fragrant and flavorful blend that infuses the dish with a unique taste.
Overall, Stoneflower is a versatile spice that adds both flavor and fitness benefits to your meals. It is a must-try for any adventurous cook looking to expand their culinary repertoire.